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Are you an ECEC, a pre-Kindy, a home based provider, a Playgroup or other organisation that works with young children?

With extensive experience in ECE and knowledge of children's development, through Allied Health, as well as a passion for the importance of working in authentic partnerships both within your setting and with families and external agencies, ELF PLs can:

  • work with educators and management to develop their understanding of how children develop, the importance of physical, social and emotional development and the value of forming strong connections and partnerships.

  • tailor make workshops to meet your needs, all connected to EYLF and NQS.

  • work with you on your QIP to build the capacity of your staff to understand and promote developmentally appropriate practice

  • build relationships through effective communication- within and outside of your Centre


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Kids Reading Outdoor

1 in 5 children aged 4 years and under in WA is considered developmentally vulnerable, as measured by the AEDC. This is in the critically important areas of health and wellbeing, social competence, language and communication skills, and general knowledge and emotional maturity.

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